Thursday, November 20, 2008

Meaning of a Name

Ever wondered what your name means? Being an inquisitive person as always, I decided to look it up on the net. As it turns out Sandie is derived from the name Sandra which originates from the name Alexandra. Alexandra in the ancient Greek language means "protector of mankind". Cool right? To think I'm the protector of mankind. Hahaha, maybe in the spreading the sunshine/humour aspect? :P

I took the liberty to find out the meaning for some of my friends' names and listed them below:
Reese - Ardent, fiery (Welsh); Enthusiatic (English)
Doreen - Gift (English); Moody (Celtic); Blonde (French)
Sally - Princess (Hebrew & Israel)
Adeline - Noble & kind (French) Pleasant, of nobility (German)
Stephen - Crowned once, wreath (Greek)
Scott - Wanderer (Scottish); Of Scottish origin (English)
Simon - It is heard (Israel); Obedient, little hyena (Hebrew)
Dolores - Lady of sorrows (Latin-America)
Kevin - Handsome, beautiful (Irish); Gentle (Celtic)
Ann - Gracious (Hebrew & Israel); Merciful (English); Priceless (Irish);

If you are curious about the meaning of your name you can check it out from this site called

Do you think a person's name affects a person's character? I think it does to some extend. But more often than not I believe that a person's character is formed based on their upbringing and the environment they are exposed to throughout their lives. Friends also influence you in a lot of ways, maybe sometimes you don't even realise it yourself.

Despite all the differences in our names and our personalities, the most important point is that we live our lives to the fullest so we will not have any regrets later on. Treasure your family and your friends, spend your precious time wisely and most of all thrive to bring happiness to others more than hurt others. I always believe that it is better to make more friends than enemies. :)

1 comment:

Reese Yeo said...

Thanks. Me, Reese = enthusiastic? :) Well someone just said that to me recently, maybe he can read from my name? Haha.