Wednesday, July 30, 2008


What a horrible weather! Seems like the haze has arrived YET again. Darn, it is worse for people with sensitive noses like me. I've been sneezing a lot of times since this morning and I can feel like there's an army of mucus in my throat. I pity those suffering from asthma, they sure will feel it a hundred times worse. I'm sure many people are affected by this. Arggh... this feels really bad.

I really don't understand why our "friendly" neighbour country doesn't get how bad the situation gets because of their forest clearing fires and illegal crop burnings. It is pure selfishness if you ask me. As if the global warming isn't bad enough, they go and make it worst by creating this hazardous and health threatening pollution. Every year it is getting worst. How very inconsiderate!

This has got to STOP. Those who can do something about please, please do SOMETHING!


chee chau said...

i do agree. some thing needs to be done to stop it. every year, around this time, surely 2 or 3 days of my MC need to be taken for this. i usually will get really sick til i cannot work.

Cheshire said...

oh, tell me bout the haze. it was already very very hazey here last week. I think that is one of the reason me and cs fall sick...beside the hectic schedule of our wedding :P.
hmmm...smell something smoky!

Unknown said...

i wonder who's gonna do something about it. people with power to make a change misuse it, n little people like us r too insignificant to even create a ripple in the page of history.

well, i guess one can only hope.

oh btw, HI SANDIE!!! :)

Sandie Chee said...

Hi Hie! Long time no see! :)